When I was a little girl people used to ask me what I wanted
to be when I grew up . . . my answer, a mommy! Well, I am now doing what I have
always wanted to do, being what I have always dreamed of being. I am a mommy,
to the most amazing girl in the world. Raegan Jane, is a blessing, a gift and I
am filled with utter joy!
When, I found out that I was pregnant, I was filled with emotions – fear, happiness, excitement, doubt – fill in the blank, I most likely felt it. During my pregnancy, Stephen and I would talk about our baby, we would plan and prepare. As my due date neared we would sit on the couch together and beg her to come out, mostly because we were bored and just wanted to meet her. That time finally arrived on Tuesday evening December 2nd at around 4pm. I was laying on the couch and all of the sudden I had a wet feeling. I got up and went to the bathroom and it was like I was peeing without really trying haha! So I told Stephen “um, I think that my water just broke” after that I texted my Dr. and told him what was going on. We had an appointment scheduled for that evening at 7pm so I asked him if we should just wait till our appt. or if we should just come in. He told us to come as soon as we could. At this point I was having very mild contractions about 7 min. apart. So we got everything ready and one of the girls from school was gracious enough to give us a ride because our car has been out of commission for a few months, we need a part that is very difficult to find. So anyway, we got dropped off at the hospital and went up to my Doctors office and he was able to see us right away.
When, I found out that I was pregnant, I was filled with emotions – fear, happiness, excitement, doubt – fill in the blank, I most likely felt it. During my pregnancy, Stephen and I would talk about our baby, we would plan and prepare. As my due date neared we would sit on the couch together and beg her to come out, mostly because we were bored and just wanted to meet her. That time finally arrived on Tuesday evening December 2nd at around 4pm. I was laying on the couch and all of the sudden I had a wet feeling. I got up and went to the bathroom and it was like I was peeing without really trying haha! So I told Stephen “um, I think that my water just broke” after that I texted my Dr. and told him what was going on. We had an appointment scheduled for that evening at 7pm so I asked him if we should just wait till our appt. or if we should just come in. He told us to come as soon as we could. At this point I was having very mild contractions about 7 min. apart. So we got everything ready and one of the girls from school was gracious enough to give us a ride because our car has been out of commission for a few months, we need a part that is very difficult to find. So anyway, we got dropped off at the hospital and went up to my Doctors office and he was able to see us right away.
When we got in his office he took one look at me and said “you don’t look like
you’re in enough pain” my contractions sill were not very strong. So I changed
and walked out of the bathroom so that he could check things out. During the
4ft. walk to the ultrasound bed my water continued to break then when I got on
the bed it was still coming, needless to say I soaked the floor and the table
and we were sure that my water had officially broken, there was no doubt. My
Dr. checked me and I was 4 centimeters, but he was concerned that my
contractions weren’t strong enough to continue helping me to dilate. He had one
more patient to see, so he told us to walk around during his last appointment
and then he would help us check in to the hospital. During the next 50 min.
Stephen and I just walked around the hospital. It was about 9pm when we got
checked in and settled in our room. The Dr. then told me that if my
contractions were not getting any stronger by 11pm he would need to start me on
Pitocin to speed up the process because my water had broken and the risk of
infection was much higher. By 11 there was still no change, so He started me on
Pitocin and by midnight it was definitely working. For the next 3 hours while
watching Tom and Jerry on Cartoon Network, I moved from standing and swaying
back and forth to bouncing on my exercise ball. Stephen was a great coach, he
was so encouraging and helped me to stay strong and breath through each
contraction. Side Note - We didn’t have any birthing classes so we were both
relying on my studying and research of the Bradley Method. I would recommend it
to anyone, it worked great for us. – So at about 1:30am the Dr. checked me
again and I was at 6 centimeters, and he expected me to deliver between 3am and
4am. That was our target, I would ask Stephen for a time check every once in a
while just to make sure that time had not stopped haha! At one point I told him
that drugs would have been nice, knowing that I had chosen not to make them an
option : ) it was about 45 min. after that comment that I was at 10 centimeters
and ready to push.
I am
still amazed that I was able to do what I did, the birth of a child is truly an
act of God. Only HE could so intricately design our bodies to do what they do.
I still look at my little Raegan Jane and stand in awe that God allowed us to
create her. She is a blessing and a joy! After the Doctor was finished taking
care of me they wheeled me back to our room and Stephen carried Raegan. We were
then able to call family and rest, and by 4pm that afternoon we were headed
home. We weren’t even at the hospital for 24 hrs. that still kind of amazes me
but we were so happy to be home! Since then our lives have changed for the
better, our sweet Raegan is a gift from God and we can’t imagine life without
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