Saturday, September 22, 2012

Lessons on Moving and Marriage

On our Honeymoon : )

Lesson #1
When packing your life in 4 suitcases, as much as your craving that salsa that you planned to have the night before as a snack . . . whatever you do, don't pack it in your checked luggage.
We were at the airport trying to adjust weight around between our suitcases and without thinking I was just shuffling things around, and put an unopened can of salsa in the largest checked suitcase. The good news is, the jar didn't break . . . the bad news is - it exploded : ( well we were very thankful for the awesome service that we had at the resort, because they just took the salsa covered clothes and washed them for us! We did however get to enjoy the tortilla chips haha!
Lesson #2
When you move into a new house where the previous owners had a dog . . . check for fleas. For about a week, I was thinking man the mosquitoes down here are terrible, and they leave such little bites. Yeah its because they weren't mosquitoes, they were fleas. I had hundreds of bites, all over my body, and worse, because I was scratching so much, the bites were then covered in bruises. I'm sure if ppl. didn't see the bites, they would think my husband was beating me haha!  
Lesson # 3
When you have a work order placed to get rid of the fleas the Honduran staff at the school will come get your furniture to clean it BUT it might be a while until you have it back . . . so that is why we still don’t have house pictures up yet .  . . our living room is still missing our couches and rug.
Lesson #4
In Honduras the power goes out quite often, so the lesson, always be prepared to eat sandwiches for dinner, because your stove might not have power. And always have candles and flashlights on hand.
Lesson #5
When you get married, your husband might move around a lot when he sleeps . . . needless to say I still haven’t slept through the night. But its totally worth it b/c I love falling asleep next to my husband every night, even though he does, move ALL OVER the place haha!
Lesson #6
Hire a maid! Yes that is correct we have a maid, Nancy is her name and she is my new best friend, she comes twice a week! You see down here, there is no such thing as a dishwasher and you don’t have hot water for your kitchen sink. So washing your dishes can be quite a process, so that is why I LOVE our maid, well that and she cleans the entire house top to bottom, does the laundry and even cooks if you want her to. I know you are all thinking that we are spoiled rotten, and well, that’s probably accurate. BUT b/c she comes to clean, I can actually really enjoy coming home to a clean kitchen to cook dinner.
Lesson #7
When you get married, that means you will most likely eat more food than you did before. So here in Honduras, you go to the grocery store once a week. We live way up the mountain and don’t have a car, so once a week the school provides a bus that goes down into the city for groceries. Well Steve and I are still trying to figure out how much food to buy and what we both like and what will last a week and so on and so forth. Well, Steve quickly discovered that I eat a lot more food than he expected haha! But were getting the hang of it . . . we just need a system : )
Lesson #8
Marriage is awesome, and I LOVE it! Life here is different and being married is different, BUT its just different, none of it is bad, its wonderful. But like any major life change there is still adjustments, some big and some little. Sleeping in the same bed – Big change, we both really value our space and sleep haha! Forgetting to close the cupboard doors – little change, forgetting to flush the toilet – little change, we each have our quirks, but marriage is worth every quirk. Being in Honduras is where God has called us, its worth the flea bites, the inconvenience of not having a car, and the awesomness of having a maid : ) We are right where God wants us and loving it! So thank you for your prayers, please continue to pray, just because we know we are where God wants us doesn’t mean we don’t have rough days, BUT glory be to God for his faithfulness!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Meet the Hunts

Meet the Hunts: Stephen & Emily
Met at Baptist Bible College . . . way back when
Started dating . . . December 2011
Got engaged . . . April 2012
GOT MARRIED . . . September 1st 2012
Moved to Honduras . . . 1 week and 3 days ago
Rearranged our furniture . . . too many times to count
Started work . . . exactly 1 week ago
How many life changes can we handle all at once . . .To Be Determined 

We love our home, we love our jobs and we really LOVE being married!
We are currently living in Tegucigalpa - it is the capital city of Honduras about a mile high up in the mountains of Honduras. It is beautiful, the view overlooks the entire city . . . and the view is important to remember as you are driving up what seems to be an endless winding road. We have a cute little house that is located across the street from the school where we work. It has a somewhat large kitchen/dining room, living room, 2 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms! I will post pictures soon : ) It's the perfect house for us, we love coming home! We both work at Academia Los Pineras which is an ACSI (association of christian schools international) accredited school, it is pre-k through 12th grade and has about 800 students. Stephen is the middle school/high school boys PE teacher and I am teaching 1st through 6th grade art! So far I LOVE my job, I don't know that I will ever want to go back to being a regular classroom teacher again ; ) Steve is really happy to be back in the swing of things, and is really enjoying reconnecting with his students and getting back into coaching. We are so happy here and are so grateful for everyone's prayers, emails, facebook messages and skype calls. We feel so blessed with all that God has provided and how smoothly all of the transitions are going so far, but please continue to keep us in your prayers as we continue to adjust to each other, our jobs and this country! I will post more later about, power outages, fleas, water, how to disinfect, snakes, our maid, and our new friends, oh the joys of living in Honduras!
From Honduras with love, Emily and Stephen