Monday, September 17, 2012

Meet the Hunts

Meet the Hunts: Stephen & Emily
Met at Baptist Bible College . . . way back when
Started dating . . . December 2011
Got engaged . . . April 2012
GOT MARRIED . . . September 1st 2012
Moved to Honduras . . . 1 week and 3 days ago
Rearranged our furniture . . . too many times to count
Started work . . . exactly 1 week ago
How many life changes can we handle all at once . . .To Be Determined 

We love our home, we love our jobs and we really LOVE being married!
We are currently living in Tegucigalpa - it is the capital city of Honduras about a mile high up in the mountains of Honduras. It is beautiful, the view overlooks the entire city . . . and the view is important to remember as you are driving up what seems to be an endless winding road. We have a cute little house that is located across the street from the school where we work. It has a somewhat large kitchen/dining room, living room, 2 bathrooms and 3 bedrooms! I will post pictures soon : ) It's the perfect house for us, we love coming home! We both work at Academia Los Pineras which is an ACSI (association of christian schools international) accredited school, it is pre-k through 12th grade and has about 800 students. Stephen is the middle school/high school boys PE teacher and I am teaching 1st through 6th grade art! So far I LOVE my job, I don't know that I will ever want to go back to being a regular classroom teacher again ; ) Steve is really happy to be back in the swing of things, and is really enjoying reconnecting with his students and getting back into coaching. We are so happy here and are so grateful for everyone's prayers, emails, facebook messages and skype calls. We feel so blessed with all that God has provided and how smoothly all of the transitions are going so far, but please continue to keep us in your prayers as we continue to adjust to each other, our jobs and this country! I will post more later about, power outages, fleas, water, how to disinfect, snakes, our maid, and our new friends, oh the joys of living in Honduras!
From Honduras with love, Emily and Stephen


  1. so excited to read a little bit about the first days there. thanks for writing and filling us in on your lives!

  2. Emily and Steve - so happy you are there safely and getting adjusted! Can't wait to keep reading about your happenings! Praying for you!!
