Friday, October 5, 2012

Tales from Guillermo

Guillermo – This little 3rd grade boy was the highlight of my day! Every week I have his class, he always comes in full of energy and full of a very exaggerated story/lie, call it what you want haha. Today’s story happened to be about his trip last year around Thanksgiving time to hunt a turkey. I said” hunt a turkey how do you do that?” He responded “well with a hunting pole of course” I smiled as he continued with his story. He then began to proceed into all kinds of detail “well you see Mrs. We were headed to Turkey, the country but somehow our tickets got switched” I asked him “turkey? Why turkey?” to which he responded “um, that’s where your supposed to hunt for turkey’s” Silly me, how could I not have known. He continued with his story “So our tickets got switched and we ended up in Africa, well my dad said, since were in Africa, lets hunt a puma instead (a puma is the school mascot). So we hunted a puma, but I realized that instead of bringing my hunting pole, I accidently brought my fishing pole” well I asked him “Guillermo, how exactly did you catch a puma with a fishing pole?” to which he replied “I just hooked him well he was asleep, right on the tail Mrs. And you see it’s a good thing we caught the puma instead of a turkey b/c the car ran out of gas and the puma had to pull us back to the town” Well then of course I asked, “so how did you get this puma back to your house? He said “oh, they wouldn’t let us take it on the plane, so we decided to go to Asia.” And that was the end of his story, it was then that we had a fairly lengthy discussion about lying haha! The most concerning part is that the kids in his class really think his stories are true!

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