Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Joy of Being Loved and Loving Others ~

The past ten days have been a joyous blessing for multiple reasons. First, I am married to an amazing man who loves me and loves the Lord. Second, I have awesome parents who love the Lord and love me. Third, I have the privilege of loving them as well. It was so wonderful to have my parents here, to share our life here with them, to prepare meals for them and provide for them. It was a joy to give back to them just small fraction of what they have sacrificed for me for so many years. It is a strange feeling, to grow up . . . to become independent of your parents and transfer that dependence to your spouse. To everyone here in Honduras we have always been married, but for my parents it was their first interaction with us as a married couple, and our first interaction with them as a married couple. It was so wonderful to just enjoy their company. It was also an encouraging confirmation to me that we are right where God wants us. I was sad when my parents left but at the same time I had an overwhelming sense of peace, a confidence in where God has brought us and what HE wants to accomplish through us. It is a strange sensation to grow up, to move on in life to new familiarities and habits. Stephen and I now have our own routines, our own way of doing things that is apart from our families and it is wonderful.  Not that we haven’t carried with us some of what we used to have with in our families, but we are now our own family. He is now my “home”, my rock, my faithful dependable ever caring “home”. It took me a while to process through what that looks like and how it all works, you know the whole leaving and cleaving thing. But by the grace of God I can now see it a bit more clearly; I can now better recognize God’s design for the family. I am continuing daily to grasp more and more what two becoming one looks like. I am nowhere close to having it figured out but one thing I have learned is that it is a process. The more I look to Christ through His word and prayer the closer I become to having oneness with my husband. I am a blessed girl to be loved my so many people, to have parents that care enough to “let go” in a sense and allow my husband to care for me. To have parents that love me on my good days and bad, to pray for Stephen and I and to still sacrifice for us. To have siblings that bless me beyond what I deserve. To have an incredible husband who is patient, kind, loving, faithful, encouraging, and always there for me, no matter what. And ultimately to love and serve a God who knows the worst of me, who sees the ugly and still forgives and loves. It is so humbling to have the privilege to serve a God who daily offers grace and encourages me in my weakness. And the best part is I serve a God who enables me to love, and that is truly an honor and a privilege, loving others is truly my greatest JOY!

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