Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pray for Victor Manuel

Wow, it has been a crazy several weeks but thankfully Stephen and I are home in Honduras and back into the swing of things. We had a wonderful time in the states, spending time with family and friends. We are truly blessed and so loved by so many. I am so grateful for our Godly families that are filled with understanding, patience, hospitality, encouragement and love. Before break, over break and even now, God has really been working on me. While we were home in the states it would have been really easy to just stay there. To just say "forget it" its too hard and not worth it. Before we went home for Christmas break, I was homesick, exhausted and just plain tired of being in Honduras. But God has really been changing my perspective and my attitude. I just kept asking Him, "Lord, what is my purpose? why am I here?" and yesterday I had a GOD moment : ) On Monday I had really been struggling with the realization that I am here in this desperate country filled with searching people and I can't talk to anyone in Spanish well enough to deliver the message of the gospel. And I just began to pray, Lord please provide an opportunity to share YOU. And He answered that pray yesterday afternoon! I went with Stephen and his soccer team to their game on the other side of the city. The game was being held at a public field. When we arrived, there were some older men using the field, majority of them Honduran military men. Well after they were finished with their game, this older man by the name of Victor came over and sat down next to me! He must have heard me speaking in English earlier b/c be began to talk with me in English and that never happens b/c ppl. think that I am Honduran! At first just chit-chat you know, where are you from? why are you in Honduras? the basics. But as we kept talking we realized how small our world really is, you see he explained to me that every year he travels to PA to go skiing at Ski Liberty. Ski Liberty is not real far from my hometown and that is where Joel and Sarah got married. So we kept talking, we ended up talking for the entire soccer game. The whole time I was praying, "Lord make yourself real to this man, allow my words to be from you." I was able to basically do a walk through the Bible with Victor, to explain the corruption of sin and the holiness of God. To explain the urgency of salvation and the confidence I have in the one and only true and living God. Victor did not accept Christ there in that moment, but I believe God has been working on this man for quite some time and it is my prayer that the Holy Spirit continues to convict. It is my prayer that Victor will continually come into contact with people that can teach him the truth of Gods Word. I wish you all could have been there to witness my talk with him for yourselves b/c it was amazing to see the truth of the gospel begin to make sense to him. Please pray with me that God will do a mighty work in this mans life. I have realized through this blessing of talking with Victor that my purpose is to make the most of each opportunity that God has given me. I have a new found confidence about my role here in Honduras, and my role is to serve the ONE and ONLY true and LIVING GOD with all that I am in every way I can. The language barrier will not stop God, only my unwillingness to submit to HIS will, and ultimate purpose for my life.

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