Wednesday, January 1, 2014

We LOVE Visitors and Electricity!

Thanksgiving Update . . . my apologies for being WAY behind with my posts. With all this time off school I'm gonna try and get caught up! We had an awesome time with my brother Joel and his wife Sarah when they were here over thanksgiving! We were able to do some traveling and have some adventures! Joel had to do some observations for his health and PE degree, so he spent as much time in the classroom with Stephen as he could. There was a lot happening as they were here, the elections took place the day after they arrived. Here in Honduras the elections are not a safe time, there is a lot of corruption within the competing parties as well as riots all over the city. Because of the unknown circumstance school was canceled the day after elections, which gave us an extra day off to spend with Joel and Sarah. On that day off we decided to go to a national park called La Tigra it is well known for the fun fact that it is part of a cloud forest. And as we found out that is literally what you do, walk higher and higher into the clouds. So that was a fun day of hiking and spending time together. Tuesday and a half day Wednesday were spent at school and then Wednesday afternoon we had the oil changed in the car and went to see a movie . . . movie theaters here are so cheap it costs about $3 American dollars, and it’s in English : ) Late Wednesday night the power went out . . . . and stayed out for a total of 5 long days, coming back on for maybe 2 hours on two separate occasions. Talk about a thanksgiving ruined haha! Trying to make a feast without power is nearly impossible. That is why I was so grateful that we had already made plans to travel! We left early on Thursday morning since thanksgiving dinner was now out of the plan. We traveled towards the middle of the country to Lake Yojoa where we stayed at a brewery! It was such a cute, quaint place. We were able to explore a coffee plantation that afternoon and then enjoy our long awaited thanksgiving feast provided by the staff at the brewery, it was delicious. They also had awesome homemade cream soda’s, coke and root beer : ) Then on Friday we went to the ecological park and saw some beautiful views of the lake and some incredible nature. After that we went back to the brewery for lunch then lastly off to the waterfall. It was awesome, much bigger than any of us expected : ) It was beautiful. Then we headed home . . . it was a whirlwind of a trip but we had a great time! Joel and Sarah’s time went by way to fast but it was so fun to share our home, friends and country with them!

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