Saturday, February 8, 2014

February Update!

I praise the Lord for the change of seasons, as we head further into February we head into dry season here, which means A LOT of dust, dirt and most important sunshine! As much as I love the rain I am thankful to see the sunshine in the mornings (it makes it much easier to get up and start my day.) Now I know a lot of you are still experiencing full on winter but spring is coming : ) OR come visit us and enjoy a little warmth!

Since the beginning of the month Stephen’s middle school soccer team has finished up their season with a disappointing loss at the end to prevent them from going to the tournament BUT overall had one of the best seasons compared to the last several years with 2 wins and 11 goals! It was encouraging to see the boys mature in their ability to play soccer and grow as a team.

Also, since the beginning of February I have started coaching volleyball with another one of the teachers at the school, we are coaching the girls’ varsity team. So far it’s going really well, and I am really enjoying it! I will keep you all posted on how our season is going!

We also got to celebrate a special little girls first birthday! We praise the Lord for wonderful friends, and feel truly blessed to have a little munchkin to spoil and shower with love! There are so many moments when being away from family and the states just plain stinks BUT then there are moments here that make it worth it and celebrating Abigail's birthday was one of those moments! I have learned that no one can replace your family but the Lord sure can provide friends that feel like family!  

Stephen has also started co-teaching the youth Sunday school class at church, with one of the guys we work with at the school. I have been joining them as well and it has been really encouraging to see God moving and working. So if you can be in prayer with us as God does HIS work in the students’ lives.  

This week I have been reminded from Hebrews

No matter where we live, where we work, where we go to Church, what season of life we are in God calls us to run with endurance. To lay aside every sin that easily distracts us and run our hearts out. To put off bitterness, anger, selfishness, pride (fill in the blank) and put on our running gear.  I praise the Lord for the seasons to remind us that everything is temporary, it reminds me to embrace each moment and not just endure the race but ENJOY the race! 

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